Case Studies

Bench Test Groundwater

To prove the efficacy of applying our microbes to a grossly contaminated groundwater sample, we completed a pilot study within the laboratory.

Fuel Oil in Soil

An unfortunate spill within the foundation of  a residence resulted in soil contamination that could not be excavated and elevated concentrations prevented regulatory closure.

Passive Remediation of Gasoline in Groundwater

Persistent groundwater contamination at a retail gas station with elevated petroleum-related compounds that natural attenuation was not effectively reducing concentrations within the source area.

Injection Network Groundwater Remediation

A groundwater plume encompassing approximately one acre was preventing redevelopment of a former gasoline station.  The environmental consultant needed cost effective and efficient methodology to remediate the groundwater and get keep the developer on track.

Contact Us

Contact Enviro-BAC

Do not hesitate to contact us with additional questions.

Feel free to contact us during normal business hours or send us an email at

Progress Environmental Group, Inc. - Enviro-BAC

P.O. Box 5884, Winston-Salem, NC 27113

(336) 782-9725


Monday - Friday: 8am  - 5pm EST

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: Closed